
Q-Literary Museum nominated Best of the Web 2011 Philadelphia

Q-Literary Museum is an small multidisciplinary webmuseum of immaterial Literature nominated Best of the Web 2011 in the Conference Museums and the Web 2011, April 6-9, Philadelphia, PA, Usa in the category Audio/Visual/Podcast:


The museum brings together the geometric, chemical and quantum physical aspects of the parallel worlds and invites the visitor to make a trip by the space-time through of texts of representation that turn their collections in unique in the present literary panorama.

The Conference stands out in its Best of the Web Screenshots Gallery the interactive projection that represents to the image S-T of Gabriela Mistral and the other 5 images of the collection that is possible to see at:


The museum is organized like a fractal with different nodes for the diffusion of a new literary thematic one and for the informal learning that is complemented with a bilingual educative program and an interactive platform of thematic research open to the contribution of the users, at the same time as it provides resources for the researchers in experimental and avant-garde Literature.

More details in the website of the museum:


and in Conference Archimuse:


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