
Plebella, poetry review of Argentina

Argentina Poetry Review Plebella #11

This issue contains:

The Difficult Poem, by Charles Bernstein, translated to spanish

Articles by Roberto Echavarren (Uruguay), Anahí Mallol, Romina Freschi, Emiliano Bustos and Adriana Kogan about argentine poet Néstor Perlongher, his work and his myth, regarding the recent edition of a volume of letters by Néstor Perlongher, Un barroco de trinchera (Bs.As. Mansalva, 2006)

Chronicle about I Encuentro de Poetas Mujeres del Cono Sur (First Reunion of Women Poets of the South), Coquimbo, Chile October 2006.

Poems of the future new book by Gabriel Reches with an introduction by Damián Tabarovsky.

As usual, reviews and consulting sections.


Plebella celebrated its first three years with a visual exhibition in the National Library of Argentina in months june and july this year. Extracts of the review´s articles and illustrations were shown in a very original way. A small Visual Arts show and readings by Plebella´s contributors also were part of the exhibition. You can see a small part here.

Contact: Romina Freschi

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