
Gianni Toti

Bad news. Gianni Toti, one of the greatest italian experimental poets and novelists (and authors of video-poems) of the last decades, died this Monday, Jan. 8th. Here you may find one poem by him, and some brief biographical notes in Italian, written by Nevio Gambula.

Brutte notizie. Gianni Toti, uno dei più grandi poeti e romanzieri sperimentali (oltre che autore di videopoemi) italiani degli ultimi decenni, è morto lunedì scorso, 8 gennaio. Qui si può leggere una sua poesia, e alcune rapide note biografiche, a cura di Nevio Gambula.


Linh Dinh said...
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Linh Dinh said...

Here's Gianni Toti's bio in English, translated from the Nevio Gambula orbituary:

Gianni Toti was born in Rome in 1924. He participated in the resistance [against Fascism] and was for many years a journalist for [the newspaper] Unity. Leading intellectual and extremely versatile experimentalist, he was a television and film director, translator, novelist, poet and video artist. With his video art, defined as “video poems,” he participated in all major international festivals. In recent years, he divided his time between Rome and an electronic castle [castello elettronico] in Montbeliard, France. Starting in the early 80’s, seduced by the fabulous artistic possibilities of electronics, he made works in which music, words and images interacted in revolutionary ways that only later became the norms for live spectacles, movies and television.

A “poetronic” poet, as he preferred to define himself after chosing video as his mode of expression, essayist, translator, discoverer and “importer” of unpublished and underground texts, sniffed out from the four corners of the earth, actor, director, this singular and protean artist spent the century animated by an astonishing intution that always placed him at the vangard of artistic and cultural movements. From his complex biography, one can extract the image of an organic intellectual, constantly balancing theoretical reflections, pure creativity, editing activities and political commitments. Gianni Toti was always a militant, at least from when, extremely young, he joined the resistance against fascism during the war, then after that, as a journalist and special envoy to oppose and denounce every form of injustice that he encountered.

[Caro Marco, che cos'è un "castello elettronico?! Aiutarmi!]

differx said...

thanks a lot, Dinh!! great.

The Montbeliard castle has been called "Electronic castle" being a place for experimental art(s), theatre, poetry. It's the Pierre Schaeffer Center for Electronic Creation. Gianni Toti lived and worked there for long periods.

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