
"Feeling" is the key term here

K. Silem Mohammad:

"We have been dealing for some time now with that awkward moment in contemporary poetic practice where innovation and novelty give way to the basic problem of reflecting the state of human language with a feeling accuracy. "Feeling" is the key term here, for while it is valid to object that anyone can slap together a jumble of computer code, spam text, and instant messaging slang and call it a poem, it is more useful to acknowledge that such materials really are a significant portion of what the poet now has to work with, and that if one is truly interested in contemporary poetry, one must reckon with these materials--or rather, their application--in a way that is neither superficially celebratory nor blindly dismissive."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really? Who is or are "the poet"? There seems to be some puffed-up "feeling" here: as in excessive self-regard for one's own minor habitus, which in the feeling and vista of others may be little more than a quaint straw hut...


>...it is more useful to acknowledge that such materials really are a significant portion of what the poet now has to work with, and that if one is truly interested in contemporary poetry, one must reckon with these materials..."