
Oversettelse 1

Oversettelse som skrivemåte. Översättning som skrivsätt. Oversettelse som skrivemåde. Kääntäminen kirjoitustapana. Translation as a way of writing.

Nypoesi 4/06 is online. This issue, the first of two on the subject of translation, contains no texts translated from one national language to another. We have asked for texts where the act of translating is in some way readable. That is: translations that are not about metabolisms, how well the target language can assimilate texts written in another language, but about translating as a way of writing.

Texts by Oana Avasilichioai \ Erín Moure \ Elisa Sampedrín \ Nichita Stănescu, Derek Beaulieu, Vincent Broqua, Maria Edite das Chagas \ Jennifer Sarah Frota, Zé Frota \ Scott Bentley, Kristofer Flensmarck, Aaron Giavannone, Camille Martin, Tristan Parish, Joyelle McSweeney, Angela Rawlings, Will Rowe, Aki Salmela and Rodrigo Toscano.

The second issue on the subject of translation will be published in March, containing more translations, essays and bpNichols Translating Translating Apollinaire transposed into Scandinavian.

Submissions are welcomed until February 25.

Nypoesi main page.

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